Dear Friends and Colleagues, We have received several abstract proposals to be considered for the 46th Annual Conference (Virtual) of the Semiotic Society of America, Intentionality and Semiotic Labyrinths, October 12–16, 2022. Based on requests from some colleagues, we are pleased to extend the deadline for submitting abstracts to August 20, 2022. We anticipate a…
Category: Annual Meeting
The 46th Annual SSA Conference (Virtual)
The 46th Annual SSA Conference (Virtual) October 12–16, 2022 Stay Tuned for more information!
A Friendly Reminder: Hotel Reservations
Dear Friends and Colleagues, A friendly reminder, please make your hotel reservations as soon as possible by calling the hotel at +52 01 222 230 0122, and mention the code for identification: Encuentro Anual de la Asociación Americana de Semiótica en UPAEP. For the preferential rate, please use one of the following emails: Attention to: Doris Iturbide…
Updated SSA Program Schedule 2017 – Puebla, Mexico
Updated SSA Program Schedule 2017
Keynote Speaker Anthony Julian Tamburri: “Signing Italian/American Cinema, Book Making in the City: What Does Scorsese Mean in Mean Streets?”
We are honored to announce that Dr. Anthony Julian Tamburri is the keynote speaker at the SSA 41st Annual Meeting in Delray Beach, Florida. Anthony Julian Tamburri Anthony Julian Tamburri is Distinguished Professor of European Languages and Literatures and Dean of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute (Queens College, CUNY). He is co-director of…
Keynote Speaker Richard Shusterman: “Philosophy as a Way of Life – On Camera”
We are honored to announce that Dr. Richard Shusterman is the keynote speaker at the SSA 41st Annual Meeting in Delray Beach, Florida. Richard Shusterman Richard Shusterman is the Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Humanities and Director of the Center for Body, Mind, and Culture at Florida Atlantic University. His major authored books…
CFP: Semiotic Society of America 41st Annual Meeting
Call For Papers Semiotic Society of America 41st Annual Meeting September 28–October 2, 2016 / Delray Beach, Florida The Semiotic Society of America welcomes abstracts on any subject with a connection to semiotics. We apply semiotic theories and insights to disciplines as diverse as anthropology, the arts, biology, cognitive science, communication, cybernetics, education, ethics, law, literature, linguistics,…
~~~~~~~~Our Journey Together
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Our journey together continues. The 41st SSA Annual Meeting will take place in Delray Beach, Florida, September 28–October 2, 2016. More information and details will be provided in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned…! Farouk Seif SSA Executive Director
40th SSA Annual Meeting: Program Schedule (Updated)
40th SSA Program Schedule (Updated) We look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh. Farouk Y. Seif SSA Executive Director
40th Annual Meeting: Book Exhibit
Dear Friends and Colleagues, The countdown continues for the 40th SSA Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh! We would like to extend an invitation for you to bring sample copies of your published books for display at the Book Exhibit and Gallery Viewing at the Omni Hotel. We will accept books starting Monday, September 21st. Books may…